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Dear [redacted] Board of Education Members:

Wrote this one today. Sharing instead of writing something new as this is timely and important. Teachers and the LGBTQIA community of Missouri are under relentless attacks. I just can’t abide.

Dear [redacted] Board of Education Members:

I’m a parent of a student that was taught by Mx. during the 2021-2022 school year during their time in [my school district]. I am writing to you to ask that you restore [their] compensation, benefits, and employment with the [redacted] School District.

I am deeply disturbed to learn that transphobic complaints were made against Mx. and other transgender educators working in the school district. In response, the district placed Mx. on indefinite unpaid leave instead of supporting them and opposing discrimination.

My experience with Mx. has been the exact opposite of whatever nefarious charges that are being presented against them. Although I don't see an issue with teaching sexual education in the public school system, I understand and appreciate the concerns that are being presented here and it screams of a conservative right attack on a person that is simply living their life and existing with they/them pronouns. 

Last year, my child and the classroom of children had already gone through a pandemic and virtual learning and entered Kindergarten as very rattled and emotionally damaged. They had a teacher that left them in November, then had the school's long-term substitute step in, and then the second semester was taught by Mx.

Two points here as is related to Mx. : I understand that they are a permanent in-house substitute. This type of position is of great importance and should be considered part of the staff as they learn and follow the kids through all the years just like a gym or music teacher might.  There is the normalcy of having a familiar substitute when your teacher is unavailable that day. It maintains the normalcy and routine that children crave and flourish within. Like an aunt stepping in when Mom needs to do something else. So removing a person abruptly from their position as [district] has done can be distressing to young children. 

Next, in the spring semester of 2022 Mx. pretty much single-handedly turned a group of traumatized children (from the pandemic, lack of routine, stress, lacking in social emotional intelligence due to the distance learning, etc.) into a group of well-supported and "caught-up" educated children. Mx. went ABOVE AND BEYOND to support their students and their families. Even on the last day of school [they] called me on my cell phone late in the evening to give final input and guidance on how well our child fared over their time together and what we could continue working on together over the summer.

[Mx.] is the kind of person that cares. Mx. is EXACTLY THE TYPE OF TEACHER parents want for their children. Full stop. This suspension is targeted, bigoted, and I know deep in my core to be entirely unfounded. A fabrication used as political ammunition. They are the victim here, not the perpetrator.

I am a cis-gendered white female, traditionally/hetero-married, gainfully self-employed, raising two white sons. I stand with Mx. and their desire to regain their job and benefits. They are being punished for no reason and this punishment holds real world consequences especially in a very politically tumultuous climate in the state of Missouri.  

Please follow your own mission statement. 

"[District’s] MISSION STATEMENT: To equip students with the skills, knowledge and understanding to be empathetic, successful, and to value all people.

Because removing Mx. is incongruent to this mission statement. You can not teach these lessons without diversity within the walls of your schools.  How can you value all people without VALUING ALL PEOPLE?

 I implore you to not do the bidding of a right-wing bigot that complains. Mx. is simply existing in your hallways being an absolutely fantastic teacher to boot. I tell people (as I mentioned earlier) that they single-handedly saved my kid last year from emotional dysregulation and got my son back on the right path. They are exactly who you need as support for the children during these tumultuous trying times.  


Each year of the plan, specific and measurable action steps will be developed, and the District will focus on four priority goal areas:

  • Relevant and Rigorous Curriculum, Instruction and Programs

  • Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

  • Student and Staff Social, Emotional and Mental Health

  • Communication and Engagement

Can you explain how the actions taken against Mx. are in line with your district's "four priority goal areas''? The LGBTQIA+ community exists and is dangerously at-risk as well.  The students in your district (who may or may not have come out or are even straight allies) see the district's actions. And they see the actions that are not in line with the words. We all know which speaks louder.  

I am open to speak more and answer questions to clarify but mostly I'm sending an email asking you to do the right thing: love everyone and recognize when people are being bullies to the most vulnerable of our population. Again, Mx. is the victim here, not the perpetrator. Stand by your words for their sake and your students' sake and do the right thing.

Support teachers. Support Diversity.