Hi there, it’s been a while. April is my busiest month of the year personally due to holidays and other milestone celebrations in my family. May, as I heard it called this year, well… was May-cember. So MANY parental requirements through the school. EVERY SINGLE DAY in May was a themed day for one my children. Something different needed to be brought in or worn. Worst time of the year to do that, I have to say. Then you have all the end of the year performances, meetings, field trips, presentations to showcase the year in school. PHEW. June was catch up month.
But there is no such thing as “catching up” and ANYONE that is trying to tell you anything differently is trying to sell you something I bet - a planner, a self-help book, etc. The only want to feel like you’re not sinking in life’s requirements is to SAY NO more often. Slow the current of responsibilities thrown your way. I’ve communicated to family and friends that although I would love to be invited as per usual, I intend to listen to myself and see if I’m run down or if my participation in activity or lunch or date or meet up or whatever will depend on if it will FUEL me or DRAIN me. I’m only in the market right now for things that add value to my life.
I’m being more intentional; I’m being more present. I’m putting the screens down. I’m purging my house, podcasting, reading books, sitting on the porch doing nothing, sleeping more, cooking again, remodeling a little. Inviting peace. Welcoming peace. I still have more than a few vices but I think it’s okay to come to terms with it. NO ONE IS PERFECT and myself included. So having a vice or two is fine - I cuss, drink soda. Woopty do.
I digress. Yeesh.
What I wanted to come here to say is that it’s been a very crazy few months. But then I realized that the months turn into quarters of the year, and then probably THE year. And then you come to realize that’s simply life. And it’s what’s passing you by if you’re not being actively IN your own life. Is this the life you want? If not, then I recommend MANIFESTING.
During my early 30s I told close friends that I was having a mid-life crisis without the crisis. Things felt "off” but I didn’t know how. So I decided to listen with an open ear and heart. I had kids, I applied to different jobs, made new friends, volunteered, read more on different topics, etc. I still didn’t know what I wanted, so I started to figure out what I didn’t like or didn’t want.
Main thing: I no longer wanted people telling me how I was supposed to live my life. And that included when I was supposed to be where and when. I said yes and no to invitations more intentionally. I was good at my job. I finished early. But I still had to sit in that chair until a specific time of the day. It felt like punishment for being good at what I do.
So I manifested the future I wanted: Own my time. Own my calendar. Own my energy. Chose my professional responsibilities. Carefully select the people I work with. I only take on clients that are a good fit for me and my personality. It’s good for both of us. I’m three years into SESTIVA and I believe I’ll make it to the five year checkpoint being true to myself. I feel like I finding success personally and professionally. I’m happy. I’m content. I’m fortunate. I’m beyond thankful. Gracious.
I manifested. I built it. I have one life to live, and I wanted to be in charge. I’m no “boss babe” but I certainly am my own boss. Some days that proves challenging, but overall I wouldn’t have it any other way. I keep reaching one milestone after the next. Manifesting and building my happiness. My life. The one that I want.
I’ll leave you with this ear bug and thanks to Taylorred Innovations for this awesome cup! Check out her wares, she makes great product!