Chronicles and Commentary
Mom, the “Everything Else” Manager
Have you ever unintentionally overslept? There is no recovering from that all day. May as well go back to bed and start again tomorrow.
Lessons in State Politics
One last thing: “I match energies.” Plain and simple. If you’re not going to treat me with respect then I’m not going to be particularly interested in giving you some lobbed soft balls. I’m going to throw you as fast a pitch as I can to let you know who you’re dealing with. I’m just really glad I had a few people on my team to back me up.
Finding Joy in 2023
Finding joy and contentment isn’t only about your looks and mindfulness apps.
Dear son, …
… if we’re not going to get rid of guns… let’s try and address another KEY ELEMENT to the mass shooting problem: teaching social emotional coping skills.
There’s a Fear of Progress
What is happening in the U.S. right now is simply war on progress. Fear of progress. Fear breeds terror and terrorism. Anger. Violence. Pain. Trauma. Sadness. Separation.
But you know what progress actually is? It’s love. It’s connection. It’s knowledge. It’s growth. It’s joy. Happiness. Humanity.